Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Character Archetypes...All 11 of them

The Hero - I am obviously the hero in this story. "Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with." - Brodi Ashton 

The Anti-Hero - The anti-hero in my life would be my ex basketball coach. She was so mean and made practice H-E-double hockey sticks. Over the Christmas break I would literally cry everyday because I did not want to go to practice. She kinda ruined basketball for me.

The Trickster - The trickster in my life would be my little cousin. She really enjoys getting me into trouble. She is very good at playing tricks on people and getting a way with it. Everyone thinks she is a little angel, but let me tell you, she is far from wearing a halo on her head.

The Father - The father in my life would be Mr. Ryan. Playing basketball for him really showed me how authoritative he is. He has the power over everyone at school and he is kind of scary when he gets mad and serious.

Wise Old Man - The wise old man in my life would be my good old grandfather. Everyday before I head off on the days journey he always gives me life advise. One piece of advise that will always stick with me is that every new day is another chance to excel in life. I can go to him with any question I have and he will always give me an old wise answer. Plus, he does have white hair.

Earth Mother  - My earth mother would be my mom. She is always caring about me. She aways asks about my day. She makes sure I am fed before I go to school and before I go to bead. She does my laundry and sometimes even messages my feet.

The Child - The child in my life would be this baby named Rocco. Even though he is a boy he reminds me of myself and what I was like as a baby. My mom says I was always smiling and dancing around. Every time I see this child he is smiling and dancing around. He also likes to throw his food, which I found out I was very good at that when I was little.

The Sister - The sister in my life would be my cousin. Even though she live in California we are connected by phone. We talk about everything and when we are with each other we are inseparable. Things only get complicated when we think the same boy is cute.

The Fatal Man - Since this lovely character is in our school I will just name him "Carson". Now, Carson is a tempting individual. He likes to play games and be all confusing. He definitely can lure me into any trap and has done is many times. No matter how many time my heart has been broken he always seem to bring me right back into the trap.

The Maiden - The maid-man in my life would be Na'a.  I have a little girl crush on him. He is my cousins college roommate and plays football for the Bobcats. He is like a big teddy bear! Every time I see him i just wanna give him a hug. He is just so adorable and plus he will still be in college when I go next year. 

The Evil Monster - The evil monster is also someone from our school so I will just call her "Kathy". Kathy was so mean and I was scared of her. She was really unusual and needed every ones attention all the time. I was happy to see her leave when she did. She never liked me for some reason and I never found out why.